Cat In The Hat Theme Party

Cat In The Hat Theme Party Planner . This theme party is one of the latest trending theme party these days. Hence Cat in the hat theme story is based on a tall humanoid cat who dressed in a red and white -striped hat and a red bow tie under the pen name Dr. Seuss. Cat in the hat theme party ideas.

We Decor the main gate with white and red striped and different cutouts of cat in the hat , Thing1, Thing2 , The boy , The fish , The sally cutouts. Cat in the hat theme party decoration.

Therefore Blue polka and red polka balloons , polka dot lantern are decorated every where with danglers of hat. Cat in the hat themed birthday party. Similarly fish and different character are hanged every where. Cat In The Hat Theme Party Planner.

Different cutouts of cat in the hats will be pasted on the entrance gate. we can also have photo props of things 1 and things 2 for photo shoot. Cat in the hat themed birthday party.

Cat in the hat theme party Ideas:

Story book of Cat in the hat will be placed at different places for the kids to read , we can also play cat in the hat movie for kids . Cat in the hat theme party Delhi.

These cartoon character are best for kids birthday party. We can also have cat in the hat games for kids . Such as pin the tail of kids , Ball the cat in the  hat and even more …

Similarly we can also have drawing competition for kids. In which we will provide the outline of different character of cat in the hat . Cat in the hat theme party ideas. Hence kids have to paint all the character in red and white. Cat in the hat theme party decoration.

Similar theme party master chef theme , Peppa pig theme , Adventure theme and even more.. Cat in the hat theme party Delhi.
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cat in hat game for kids corner
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